What Is a Blessingpreneur?
A Blessingpreneur is someone who uses his or her business for the sole purpose of blessing others so that the recipient may know God's greatness and all that God has to offer. In other words, while making a profit is nice the Blessingpreneur feels a "calling" to bless and truly feels it is better to give than receive. In business and in life, they are guided by Biblical Blessings and principles which they profess boldly before others. In a world of political correctness, they are proud to be "bringing the Bible back."
How Did This All Get Started?
It all started when I was watching one of my favorite teachers, Dr. Nasir Siddiki, explain to Rod Parsley on TBN that the common expression "shalom" means so much more than "peace." It may be used as a greeting and as a goodbye.
Beyond Peace
"Shalom" relates to health, happiness, prosperity, safety, integrity, friendship, wholeness, completeness and more. It truly is an "all-purpose" word for blessing and goes way beyond the common English translation of "peace."
I then learned that one of my favorite pieces of scripture, one I always like to hear the preachers say at the end of a service is, in fact, "The Blessing of Shalom."
That led to a discussion on the different kinds of blessings, especially the ancient ones.
And that gave way to Blessingpreneur.com
I will be starting list of blessings that are particularly suited to business and to have guest articles.
If you would like to submit a guest article please contact me at: hospitablecoach@aol.com
BARUCH BASHAN (which means "The Blessings Already Are),
Paula Quick, CTA-CC
Ageless Living Coach & Blessingpreneur
Paula Quick
Ageless Living Coach & Blessingpreneur
Photo by Michael Waine Photography
This page was last updated: January 28, 2010
The LORD bless you and keep you;
the LORD make his face to shine upon you,
and be gracious to you;
the LORD lift up his countenance upon you,
and give you shalom.
(Num. 6:24-26)
For A Special Blessing based on Psalm 46:10, "Be Still and Know I am God," click on the link below. If after listening to excerpts you would like your very own copy of this phenomenal CD, then click here.
Attention Metro Richmond, VA business owners. Do you want your business to be blessed? Contact me. No charge - it's a blessing! Call (804) 363-5721 today!
Like What You See? Subscribe to my mailing list and receive free e-book "The Astonishing Power of Gratitude."
Has God Blessed You Recently? Then tell the world with your witness bracelet. Click here for more info and to order. A portion of the proceeds will be donated to Haiti relief efforts.
For more prayers and blessings, please visit: